Response to Callan - Week 10

I really appreciate your thoughts on distinguishing how we talk about "race" and "racial identity." It's interesting that you bring this up, because I've definitely struggled in other history classes about the vagueness of some terms and how race and racial identity are often conflated. I think something that I've really appreciated about this class is the opportunity to get in touch with and look at the experiences of people with different identities. I feel like our discussions have helped me think more critically about information I see every day, in addition to what I've learned from classes in the past.

In regards to Sing, Unburied, Sing, I feel that the book brought up further questions for me about what it means to "be" or "become" American. I find myself comparing the book to other works that we've read this quarter, and considering how it is different and similar. Furthermore, I feel that I find leaving this class with more questions than I came in with. I look forward to learning more about identity in the future!


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