The Searchers Letter

Dear Scar,
I know you don't know my name, but I know yours.  I am the white man who has been hunting you down and tracking you.  It all began when you killed my Brother, his wife and their son.  You took my closest relatives and destroyed the only resemblance of a peaceful life I had after fighting in the War of Northern Aggression where I gained many skills, including my accurate shot. You ruined my life, so I had to track you down and get vengeance, but honorable vengeance.  I know you too like vengeance and scalp innocent people.  You are no "noble savage", but a savage.

But you didn't just kill my closest of kin, you also kidnapped my two nieces.  You took them from their safe home and destroyed any chance for them to grow up a safe life.  You then brutally killed Lucy, the older of the two girls.  Why you did this, I do not know.  But you did, and for this too I must seek vengeance.  I have spent years searching for you, and don't underestimate me.  I will keep going, for as long as I can still breathe, to look you.  Me and my lesser companion, Martin, will search throughout Texas, New Mexico and whatever state or country you lead us too.

I have a great fortune that I will spend, and many bullets I will shoot in my pursuit.  I have already killed in this great search, and will kill anyone if it means getting to you.  I speak your language and know your moves.

See you soon,


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