Response to Clare Kendry (Callan)

Dear Ms. Kendry, 

I want to thank you for taking the time to write to me.  I appreciate hearing support from members of my community.  Many critique me for betraying my identity and hiding behind an identity that I am not.
However, I want to say that I am only passing because I feel as though I must.  While indeed it is hard to justify sacrificing one’s morals and identity, I truly believe that the work I am doing is worth the moral compromise I am making.  I take on the role of “Incognegro” purely for the sake of the access that being white provides.  The unfortunate and ironic truth is that passing as white allows me to advance my race in ways that my being black does not.  If I could see the same things and write the same way without having to pretend to be something I am not, I would do so in a heartbeat. I believe we can be more than just one thing and I hope that we will ultimately reach a point where this will not be a foreign idea.  

Ms. Kendry, I hope you are able to come to terms with your identity and see it as something to be embraced rather than to hide.  I realize this is a lot to ask, considering the many advantages that accompany passing as white.  But if those who can pass continue to do so, how will we be able to improve the situation for our community as a whole?  Our goal should not be getting to the point where everyone can pass and our identity morphs into white.  No - we must fight for our own identity.  If we are not proud of our identity and fighting for respect, who will?  

You said passing felt like the only option; we must work to change this.  Passing cannot be the only solution for it is not sustainable.   If you truly believe you cannot return to your identity as black, I urge you to use your “status” and influence as a white woman to elevate our race.  Rather than passing “for your own sake”, consider how you can change your actions to help work towards a society where passing will not be the only avenue for equal treatment. Please take some time to reflect on this.  While I understand this likely will not be comfortable, the fight for equality is too important to be ignored for the sake of staying in our comfort zones.  We must take risks in order to see results.


Mr. Incognegro


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