Week 5 Response

To whom it may concern,

We appreciate your efforts to talk about racism and immigration in the states, but we do not hate immigrants. And immigrants should not despise us. Yes, it is true that immigrants are hired  for jobs before and African American is hired. Yes, immigrants and the children of immigrants do get better grades than black individuals in the United States. But let’s talk about why this happens. Let’s not forget to talk about the systemic and institutional oppression that has kept blacks and Latinx immigrants in the gutter for years. You should talk about Jim Crow and government policies that were used to hinder the advancement of blacks. This view of blackness and dirty and unacceptable that permeates this society is the real problem. When black people take a step forward, white America pushes us several steps back. Blacks and immigrants should not have to fight for job opportunities. So in the future let's focus on the issues that keep us in this cycle of oppression rather than making claims about which minority hates the other.


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